Friday, May 12, 2017

My Girl

Sweet Sydney Belle - this girl is so amazing that I wish I could pause time just to ensure I don't miss any little part of her growing up years. She's in between being my baby girl and growing into her own young person. Still innocent and childlike, but knowing and understanding more about the world around her. She is kind, compassionate, sensitive, tenderhearted, responsible, mature, insightful, smart, and so many other wonderful things. I snapped this photo at the park the other night and it captures for me so many things I feel about her. I love this little lady.

Easter 2017

Easter 2017 in more photos than words - we began the day with an egg hunt at home, went to church for an amazing service to celebrate our risen Lord, had another egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's followed by lunch and an afternoon of cousins playing. It was a gorgeous day!