Monday, January 21, 2013


To: Myles
From: Olivia 

One of the best things about transitioning Myles to a fully integrated classroom this year is all of the friends he has made. Many of his classmates adore him and he is pretty fond of them too. Parents will tell us that their kids talk about Myles every night, his classmates were so concerned about him when he broke his foot, and when he gets to school in the morning he is often met with a hug from a buddy. As a parent there is so much I want for my kids, but to love and be loved is high up on the list. My hope is that Myles has genuine friendships all along his path in life.

And on the subject of friends, Sydney is also starting to become interested in relationships with her peers. Whenever we are going somewhere where there will be kids her age, she says, "I want to show this to my friends." She's usually referring to a stuffed animal she brought along, her shoes, or another random object she's found. Funny thing is, majority of the time she won't even talk to any of the kids when we get where we're going, let alone strike up a friendship. She might rule the roost at home, but in public she's just as shy as Mommy was as a kid. It's a good thing she has her older brother to be her best friend right now.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to Work

Today marks the last day of my maternity leave, and as I prepare to head back to work tomorrow, I can't help but reflect on what this time has meant to me. I have been dreading this day for sometime now, and not because I don't like my job, but because I don't want to leave these little people. After 11 weeks at home with my three kiddos, I have a pretty good idea what it would be like to stay home full time with them, and I have liked it more than I expected. For the first time, I can say with confidence that I would welcome the opportunity to be a full time mommy.

I'm lucky in that I have a career in my field, and a job I enjoy in an organization I am proud of. I respect my co-workers, and have many opportunities to interact with and learn from patients and families from vastly different life circumstances than mine, while attempting to make a positive difference in their lives. I am able to work part time and provide needed income and health benefits for our family.

And while I am grateful for all of this, my heart has shifted over the past couple of months in a way I wasn't expecting. We have definitely had tough moments, tough days, and times when Gilby couldn't get home soon enough, but rather than making me eager to return to work, this has drawn me closer to home. I always want our kids to know we are there for them, and in the future that might mean a conversation over dinner after a rough day at school, or a phone call from college after a breakup, but right now it feels like it's only in the moment. Whether it be after a fall, or during a tantrum, or from a tummy ache, the comfort they need is immediate. The teachable moments are fleeting.

Thankfully, I have done this before and know it will be okay. Gilby is staying home this week to make the transition easier on everyone, and our new nanny starts next week. And whether or not I ever have the opportunity to be home full time, I can promise my kids that we are, and always will be, there for them.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2 Months

Ryker turned two months old on December 30. Our easygoing baby demands very little as long as he is full, clean, and rested. The littlest Gilbert has captured our hearts...

Baby Ryker,

Although it's only been two months, we cannot imagine our lives without you. You started smiling way back on Thanksgiving Day (November 22), but are really giving us big grins now. You are especially smiley first thing in the morning, which makes getting up after not nearly enough sleep a bit easier. You prefer to be held upright and already bear a lot of weight on your legs. Your schedule changes daily to accommodate the days plans, but generally you like a long nap in the morning (2-3 hours) and again in the afternoon, with a couple catnaps in between. You sleep okay at night waking every 3-4 hours to eat. You much prefer to snuggle with mom in bed than to sleeping in your bassinet. You are a great nurser and already outgrowing your 0-3 month old clothes. You now weigh 13 lbs. 13 oz (90th percentile) and are 23.75 inches long (75th percentile). With your size and the amount of hair you have, you could easily pass for a 3-4 month old.

Your sister and brother still love you something fierce and constantly need to be reminded to be gentle with their love. You will probably be one tough kid with the amount of man-handling that you already endure from them. We can tell you love them right back with the way you smile and your eyes light up when they are near. Myles asks for you first thing when he gets off the bus from school (by signing "baby"), and likes to hold you multiple times a day. Sydney affectionately calls you "Baby Ryker" and is always asking where you are. Even if I am holding you right next to her, she will say, "I can't see him," meaning that she wants to look into your eyes. We will hear her talking to you saying things such as, "You're okay, I'm here with you," when you are fussy, or "I love you soooo much."

And we all agree, we love you soooo much.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ryker's Birth Announcement

Better late than never?

Christmas in Iowa

Our family spent Christmas 2012 in Iowa with those we love. We were able to do a few days in Cedar Falls at my grandparent's home and a few days in Fort Dodge with Gilby's whole family. It was a successful road trip with three little kids who were troopers the whole time.

We left the evening of Saturday the 22nd and made the 12 hour drive to Cedar Falls. We arrived Sunday morning and spent the day relaxing with my parents and grandparents. It was nice to spend quality time with my grandparents without a lot of hustle and bustle, or people coming and going. The kids were able to get to know their great grandparents better and didn't want to leave when the time came. On Christmas Eve my Uncle David and Tori, and Aunt Nancy, Shaina, and Nicole joined in on the fun. It was another relaxing morning followed by church in the afternoon, a delicious holiday dinner, and present opening at night. I have many fond memories of Christmas celebrations at my grandparents house, and we haven't been back to Iowa for Christmas Eve for several years, so it meant a lot to me to be able to share this experience with my own children.


 Ryker wearing the same outfit that Myles wore for his first Christmas.


We left Christmas morning and headed to Fort Dodge to celebrate with the Gilbert side. We arrived at Joe's house just in time for a visit from Santa! Myles and Sydney are still not sure what to think of Santa. We haven't really built him up or talked about him much, so I'm not sure who they think he is. Both kids gladly accepted the gifts Santa brought for them, but were hesitant to get close enough for a picture. Myles eventually did, but Sydney stayed securely on Mommy's lap. After Santa had to leave, we opened gifts with the family, ate a yummy brunch and spent the day relaxing and playing. Myles and Sydney had lots of fun playing with their cousin Joely, and Sydney still talks about going to "Joely's house."




We spent the day after Christmas visiting relatives. We drove to Webster City to see Great Grandma Gilbert, ate lunch at Godfather's Pizza (a favorite of mine not found in Denver!), and saw Uncle Ron and Aunt Connie during a quick stop into Gilbert Jewelers before driving back to Fort Dodge. We visited with Great Grandma and Grandpa Steck in the afternoon and got together again with the whole family for dinner at Joe's.

 Great Grandma Gilbert meeting Ryker.

Having fun at Great Grandma's living facility.

Great Grandma Steck meeting Ryker.
Great Grandpa Steck meeting Ryker.
After breakfast the next morning, Sydney was lying on the bed in our hotel room, and summed up what we were all thinking when she said, "I'm exhausted, Mom." (Wonder who she learned that saying from?!?! Maybe her sleep deprived parents.) We packed up our stuff, spent some time playing with Grandma Gilbert at her house, and set out for home. 

We feel lucky to have seen so many family members this Christmas, and bring Ryker back for his introductory visit to Iowa. We have recovered from our exhaustion and have many new memories to look back on.