Sunday, July 31, 2016

Myles turns 8!

Happy 8th Birthday, Myles-Man!

Eight years ago you made me a mama, and life as I knew it was forever changed in the best way. Daddy and I are so proud of how hard you have worked to be the little boy you are today. You are kind, compassionate, persistent, thoughtful, inquisitive, LOVE babies, follow instructions well (mostly), give fabulous full-body hugs, and are always teaching others, including us, to not limit or underestimate you. Even though we still deal with daily frustrations with communication, and sometimes behavior, when the end of the day comes and I'm tucking you in at night, you are the sweetest boy and your unconditional love for your family never fails.

You are still in karate twice a week, took swimming lessons this spring and vastly improved your swimming skills, will play soccer again in the fall, started to learn to ski this past winter, and will continue to do so this season, and love basketball. You went to speech therapy twice a week this summer, and will continue once a week during the school year, and really are making great strides in speech. A few years ago I was worried that you would never talk, and although you still have a long way to go, you will make it happen. I am also expecting big things with reading this year because you are at the cusp of officially becoming a reader.

Some of your favorite things include watching movies - which you are constantly asking to do, but thankfully you have a lot of interests so we can redirect you from too much screen time - go to the park, ride your bike, swim, go to the library, play basketball, listen to music, be with family, and play anything with your siblings, whom you adore.

We love you so much, Myles. Happy 8th Birthday big guy!


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Calling All Monkeys!

I thought last summer was going to be the last time we could get away with combining Myles and Sydney's friend birthday party, but we were able to do it again this year! At a silent auction fundraiser earlier this summer, Gilby bought a birthday party at Monkey Bizness for 25 kids, and Sydney and Myles thought it sounded like a good idea to split the invites and celebrate together. Monkey Bizness is a big jumphouse, and the kids got to jump for an hour before going to the party room for pizza, fruit, and cupcakes for the last half hour.

This was probably my favorite kid birthday party so far for a few reasons:
1. It wasn't at my house.
2. The kids are old enough to have their own friends to invite rather than mostly kids of family friends - some of the kids I don't even know very well, but both Sydney and Myles knew exactly who they wanted to be there.
3. Gilby and I had fun making the cupcakes together.
4. The kids were involved in the party prep.
5. Everyone had a lot of fun.
6. Did I mention it wasn't at my house? (We actually really like entertaining at our house, but we've been busy with other things and I don't love planning birthday parties. Plus, it has been so hot and we don't have air conditioning, so the idea of entertaining 20+ kids didn't sound very fun.)

Party Prep::

The kids and Gilby have really gotten into the show, Cupcake Wars this summer, so Gilby decided to bake a blueberry lemon cupcake that they had seen on the show. Both kids picked out their own cupcake toppers (butterflies for Sydney and Lion Guard characters for Myles), and I was in charge of the frosting (lemon buttercream). They were so yummy!

The night before the party - Gilby had spent the afternoon cutting wood for outdoor chairs he is building, and spent the evening baking 72 cupcakes. 

The final product!

We decided to fill water bottles with candy for party favors. Myles and Sydney worked together to put 10 candies in each of the 24 water bottles.
The Party::

Kids having fun!

Sydney and her good friend, Olivia

Myles and his (girl)friends

 Myles conquering the climbing wall. He didn't get very high the first time, but waited in line again determined to make it further, and he did!

The After Party::

After the party, Grandma, Grandpa, Siri and crew came over for present opening and playtime.

I asked Sydney what she thought about her party this year and she said, "Good." I asked what was good about it and she said, "Everything." I guess that means it was a success!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sydney's BirthDAY

We started Sydney's celebration last Thursday with donuts and an early present - lemon gum! The kind she's been asking for all summer!

I had to work, and Sydney spent the morning as usual with Gilby and the boys. Midday, Grandma picked up Sydney for a surprise birthday lunch at Sonic (hamburgers - Sydney's favorite) and an outing to Target to pick out any toy she wanted. Much to no one's surprise, she chose Shopkins and lip gloss!

I came home early from work, we packed up the car and the kids, and took them for a surprise overnight stay at a Sheraton Hotel about 10 minutes from our house. One of Sydney's most favorite things is to stay in hotels, so a family birthday celebration at a hotel was just perfect. They graciously upgraded our room to a club level suite, which meant that we had a room on the top floor with a view of the mountains and downtown, as well as access to free appetizers in the afternoon and continental breakfast in the morning.

Immediately after entering the room, Sydney started commenting on the nice view, and Ryker declares, "I could live here forever." (He's always cracking us up!) Sydney opened her presents (a Ty Big Eyes stuffed animal, a mermaid swim outfit, and a book on hair braiding - she let the boys help her open her gifts, just like she does every year), we snacked on the appetizers, went swimming, ate more appetizers, Skyped with Grandma Gilbert, and wound down for bed. We intended to eat dinner at the hotel restaurant, but the appetizers filled us up and the night got away from us, so we didn't even get to it. Of course, the boys were up before 6AM, so I took them out to breakfast early to let Gilby and Sydney sleep a little longer. We had an easy morning at breakfast and letting the kids watch cartoons, went swimming again and at noon wrapped up our 20 hour visit to the Sheraton.

A fun birthday celebration for a special 6-year-old girl!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sydney turns 6!

Happy 6th Birthday Sweet Sydney Belle!

I'll say it every year, but it is hard to believe another year has passed and you are already 6! It is a joy to be your mom and watch you grow. You have so many amazing qualities, and Daddy and I are proud of the character you are developing and little girl you have become. You are kind, compassionate, loving, sensitive, a leader, well liked by your peers, interested in others, fun loving, playful, athletic, and have a great imagination. Mrs. Babbs, your kindergarten teacher from last year, likened your presence in the class to sunshine, and we agree. You almost always have a positive attitude and naturally encourage others. You are no longer shy and timid as you were a few years ago, and can easily make new friends. You still talk A LOT and ask lots and lots of questions. Daddy doesn't quite understand why you need to know so many details, but I get it - I'm the same way sweet girl. You do have a side of sassy and a pinch of moodiness, and it's evident that while you're still our sweet, innocent little girl, you are also on the brink of becoming more grown up, more independent, formulating your own opinions, and figuring out your world. I love the conversations we have about life, faith, gratitude, respect, obedience, etc, and pray that the seeds that Daddy and I are planting about the important things in life will take root as you continue to grow into your own person.

Some of your favorite things right now include swimming, nighttime walks/bike rides, the park, playdates with friends, eating at restaurants, watching shows (My Little Pony and Cupcake Wars),  chewing gum and blowing bubbles, going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, creating, and playing with your brothers.

Both of your brothers absolutely adore you, and you are the glue that connects you all together so closely. You include both of them equally, and assign roles as the three of you can pretend-play through a whole morning or afternoon. You are patient with them and are often a reminder to me to extend an extra measure of patience when I don't feel like it. You are often a big help to me to make sure they aren't getting into too much trouble, or being unsafe, but I do have to frequently remind you that you're not the mom and I can handle things. You can be tougher on them than I am when it comes to minding their P's and Q's! Myles won't make a decision without knowing what you are doing first. If you are wearing shoes, he puts shoes on, if you ask for your food cut, he asks for his cut, if you go outside, he goes outside, and on and on. This can understandably get tough for you when you simply want some time alone (just like your mama), but you are good at asking him to stop, compromising with him, and enduring this behavior when he remains persistent. He only does it because of how much he looks up to you. I love the photo above because it shows Myles checking in with you with a smile on his face as he often does - you are such a gift to both of them.

Happy birthday, Girlie, we are excited to celebrate you today!

(one of my favorite things is how you still call us Mama and Dada - it's so cute)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Broncos Clinic

Today we had the opportunity to attend a Broncos football clinic through National Sports Center for the Disabled. Myles, Sydney, Ryker, and Myles' buddy, Jasper, all did a great job even in the heat and blazing sun. Fun times!

 Jasper calls Myles his "bestie." These two have been in the same class for the last two years and go to karate together. They have a very sweet, genuine friendship with both boys equally giving and getting a lot from the relationship.

Carefree Summer

Last Friday, after the afternoon rain had subsided, the kids went out back to play. I captured this photo from inside as they enjoyed a carefree summer day. It had been a particularly hard week in our nation marked by multiple acts of violence fueled by fear and hatred. I love the innocence that is represented in this photo, and even though my mama-heart weighs heavy as I think about raising my kids in this fallen world, I have so much hope for the positive influence that each of these little people will have on those around them.