Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ryker turns 3!

Happy birthday, Ryker-Man! We celebrated your third birthday just over a week ago, and I am still not sure how I feel about you growing up so fast! Other than just a little bit of chubbiness left on your thighs, there are no signs of baby in you anymore. You truly are a "big boy" as you like to tell us. Thankfully, you still like to be cuddled, hugged, kissed, and rocked. I'm not ready to give any of those things up yet, and still can't resist kissing you a dozen times whenever I pick you up.

As sweet as you are, it's not quite all kisses and cuddles. At three you have a lot of confidence to push back and test your limits. You are quick, and quite witty, and have a response for almost every request we make. Here are a few interactions that would be quite common with you - we won't even be finished talking before you come back with your response:

"Ryker, it's cold out, please put on a jacket."
"I like to be cold."

"Ryker, it's time to go potty so you don't get wet pants."
"I like to have wet pants."

"Ryker, please finish eating."
"I'm sick, Mom."

Or one from just this morning:
"I want breakfast, Mom."
"Okay, go potty and get dressed so we can go down for breakfast."
"I'm Captain America. Captain Americas don't go pee. Or poop."

And so it goes, All. Day. Long. You try your hand at some pretty big fits, but as our third child they don't get us quite as riled as they might have if you were the first, so thankfully they pass pretty quickly. Although we're not loving these moments of attitude (and sometimes whiny-ness), we know this is all typical three-year-old behavior as you figure out your place in our little family and this big world. Sometimes it's even hard to keep a straight face as you can be quite comical in the process.

When you're not being too oppositional, or having a giant fit, you are still really fun to be with. You like dinosaurs, super heroes, Legos, sports/balls, books, Ninja Turtles (or "Ninjen Turtles" as you call them), the park, and love to play anything physical. In the wee hours of the morning, you and Myles often play "Hulk Smash," which basically just involves jumping off of any surface you're not supposed to jump off of, landing on the floor, and yelling "Hulk Smash!" It's super. You often request to play house with your siblings, and you have an amazing imagination. I love that although you are a third, and used to having two buddies around, you can still occupy yourself for long periods of time playing nicely without looking for attention.

You are an amazing little boy and it is a joy to be your parent. We love you, Ryker!

I had to get some photos with you and your bunny in case this is the last year he is this special to you. You appropriately, and simply, call him "Bunny." This bunny has been your comfort for the last two years and the only thing you ask for every night at bedtime. Your brother and sister know this so well they will sometimes go look for him even before you ask. Each night you turn him upside down and rub the little tag on his bottom between your fingers as you drift to sleep. It is so precious. He is a well loved bunny.

Ryker's Birth-DAY

Your birthday fell on a Friday this year, and I promise I tried to give you your first "friend party," but everyone already had plans. I'm realizing that I need to plan things way in advance for you since Halloween activities seem to get in the way. Our Plan B was an equally fun party with the family and Grandma and Grandpa. We stayed in, had a yummy meal, opened presents, and enjoyed your tasty Candy Corn cake made by Daddy per your request. You felt loved and celebrated, which is all we were going for anyway.

Birthday donuts!

Sibling Moment

When I take a step back from the chaos and sheer noise level that three kids can bring, I can focus on the many sweet sibling moments that occur everyday. I know I've said it before, but I am so thankful these three have each other, and that they have built such a strong foundation to their relationships. Each kiddo is great with the others, but Sydney especially is amazing with both of her brothers. She has a gentle, compassionate heart that comes out in her interactions with them.

On this particular morning, Myles had a homework sheet to do, but didn't want to sit with me to work on it. Sydney was right there and happy to work through it with him, which they did with little guidance needed from me.

Sydney has been ahead of Myles in almost all areas of development for awhile now, but she is just starting to realize it. One day, she and Ryker were discussing who knows the most in our house. I can't remember how it came about, but it was sweet and not in a competitive way. She said, "Dad and Mom know the most, then me, then Myles," at which point her voice trailed off a bit and she turned to me and asked, "Is it okay if I know more than Myles?" I told her of course it's okay as long as she always treats him with respect. She was content with my answer and they went on with their conversation.

I don't know what Sydney thinks about Myles having Down syndrome, but it's not important, because what I do know is that she is fiercely protective of her brother, guides him along in his learning, and celebrates his successes. I am so proud of the young girl she is growing into.

GDSF Fashion Show

Gilby and I were privileged to once again attend the Global Down Syndrome Foundation's annual Be Beautiful, Be Yourself Fashion Show Fundraiser. This high end event always features several celebrities, including local pro athletes, actors, and models. Jamie Foxx was again there as his sister has Down syndrome. But the most celebrated individuals each year are the young models with Down syndrome. They tend to steal the show!

With three of my co-workers and friends. I feel honored to work with these people daily.

On the red carpet with my main squeeze.

Rock 'n Roll

This fall my friend, Kristin, and I ran the Denver Rock 'n Roll 10K together. It was so much fun to run again with my old college roomie and running partner! My daddio came out to support us on a beautiful morning in Downtown Denver.

Run for Funds

Myles and Sydney's school started a new fundraiser this year called "Run for Funds." Each student collected pledges based on the number of laps they would run - 16 laps equaled 1 mile. Myles' class had about 25 minutes to run and Sydney's had closer to 20. They both did awesome! Myles ended with 21 laps and Sydney with 20 - 1.25 miles for each of them! More than that, the energy of the event and support from the whole school community was impressive. The school ended up raising $60,00, which exceeded their goal by $20,000. We are thankful for such a great school to send our kids to everyday. From the principal down to the support staff, the kids are valued, embraced, and supported. The academic instruction is great, but the focus on character development within the school is what sets it apart for us. The kids had a blast!

Myles with his school buddies.

Sydney with her teacher and some of her classmates.

Sydney is an excellent runner with those long legs and never had anything but a smile on her face and positive attitude. In the bottom right photo she is running next to her best school friend, Nouvelle (and in front of me!).

Celebrating 10 Years

October 1st of this year marked 10 years of marriage for Gilby and I. A lot has happened in the past ten years - we've lived in 6 different apartments/townhomes/houses, had a few job/career changes, I went to grad school, and most importantly, we've brought three kids into our family. Marriage for me has been a bit like parenting, I thought I knew a lot about it until I was in it, and realized I know close to nothing. By the grace of God we have found so much joy in the journey. Through the ups and downs, tears and laughter, celebrations and heartaches, life is richer now than when we said "I Do" a decade ago. We're looking forward to the decades to come.

We spent the day driving through the mountains to see the changing aspens and ended in Golden for a late lunch downtown. We took a tour of Golden - past the site of our engagement, our wedding, our old home, places of work, parks where we took the kids. Our relationship was in its baby stages when Golden became our home, and it's where we stayed while building our family. Golden will always have a special place in our hearts.


At the end of September, we participated in our 8th annual Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk in City Park. Like every other year, the weather was gorgeous and the atmosphere very energetic and celebratory. It is a neat morning to celebrate those living with Down syndrome and their community. Because Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association puts on the walk, it means it is a work day for Gilby and he is gone long before us and stays long after. This year, my parents were also out of town, so my main reinforcements weren't available. Thankfully, we had some friends step in to keep track of our kids in the sea of 3,800 people. We still set up our tent and banner, and had lunch for our team, but I kept it simple and in the end I think the kids and I actually got to experience more of the event. We went through the Resource Fair and had fun with the kids activities - things we typically don't get to. All in all, a great day and successful event!

Face painting! Spider-Man, a "Ninjen Turtle" (said with a very growly voice), and butterfly

The man of the hour and our reason for celebrating such a great community.

Captain Girl

She calls herself "Captain Girl!"