Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Little Things

I haven't blogged in awhile because, well, we haven't had any big "blog-worthy" events this past month. That's not to say we haven't kept busy and been having fun; it's just been in the in-between moments. But since most of life happens in the little things, I thought I'd document some of those too...

Two buddies at the park on a very warm Sunday in January. Despite the blizzard we're getting this weekend, we've been loving several unseasonably warm days this winter!

 Watching the Superbowl (halftime show) with Grandma and Grandpa.

Sydney grows up more and more each day. Painting her toenails on a Wednesday afternoon.

A typical scene with Ryker. He's often content to entertain himself, and puzzles are one of his favorites.

Brothers cheesin' in the tub.

School is in session, and Sydney is the teacher, always. (Some sort of weird blanket school?)

Stealing Mom's water. Cute enough to get away with it.

Sydney making Ryker's bed without any prompting. This one. She's a gem.

A sample of the daily reports we get from Myles' teachers. He's working so hard in school, but it's his character that consistently stands out and makes us proud.

Taking after his big brother, Ryker has started waking up VERY early in the morning. These two often play together for a long while before Gilby and I can muster the energy to get out of bed!

Sydney reading to Ryker before bed. Precious.

Always helping out in the kitchen - here Ryker's making his own smoothy!

Chocolate protein shakes for lunch are so much more special in milkshake glasses!

All ready for school! She still dresses herself and fortunately her fashion sense is coming along nicely.

Working on his Valentine's Day cards for his school friends.

Myles' class Valentine's party.

Myles and one of his best friends, Paige. She's already requested she be in Myles' class next year too!

A Gilbert sibling hug. Myles' face says it all. These three love each other.

A late night for this cutie who was refusing to go to bed! I swear these kids take shifts ALL NIGHT LONG!

The in-between moments are pretty great too. I'm grateful for this life we're living!