Tuesday, August 11, 2015

GTIS Half Marathon

About 4 months ago, I decided that it was time to start running consistently again...after about a 7 year hiatus! To stay motivated, my friend, Lindsy, and I decided to sign up for the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon and follow a 12-week training schedule.

This past weekend was the race! It was tougher than I expected, but I'm still happy with my time (1:59), and thankful for the experience. I'm not sure I'll be doing another half this year, but looking forward to other challenges and maybe another longer run in the future!

We connected with two other friends on race day.

The cutest cheering squad!

I'm afraid Ryker might miss me?!?!

The two Myleses -  Our kids had fun hanging out with their little buddies

Lindsy and I...and Myles

Mom is still supporting us even as adults.

 And my biggest supporter who was always happy to stay with the kids and adjust his schedule so I could get away for all of my training runs. Love him!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Birthday Party!

On Saturday, July 25th, we had a combined birthday party for Sydney and Myles. There wasn't much of a theme - as many people have nowadays - but we ended up calling it a Backyard Birthday Bash! Between school friends, neighbors, and family friends, we had 17 kids over with several of their parents as well. It started mid-morning to beat the heat of the day and went into lunchtime. Overall, it was not a lot of work for us, and the kids had a lot of fun - the best kind of party! We did put some effort into a few special touches and decorations (which I neglected to get photos of). We had two bounce houses, bubbles, face painting, and a beanbag toss for entertainment, and sandwiches, fruit, chips, pasta salad, and cake for food.

We bought a half sheet cake at Costco with some simple decorations on it and then the kids got to choose the cake toppers for their side of the cake. Sydney was set on Frozen and Myles was set on Big Hero 6. Of course, out of all the little characters and action figures we have around the house, these were two movies I had nothing for. So, I ordered figurine sets from Amazon for both...and then found out they were going to arrive about 3 hours after the party ended. I found myself at the Disney Store at 8:30 the night before the party so that we'd be able to deliver on their cake wishes. We don't often make special accommodations like this, but being that it was pretty much their only wishes for the birthday party I didn't want to disappoint!

My mom deserved a Grandma of the Day award after the party as she spent the whole time painting faces! It was of course a huge hit and the design options were much more intricate than I would have ever been able to do!

Our July babies had fun and felt special, which made the party a success!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Myles turns 7!

Dear Myles-Man,

You're 7!! I can hardly believe it. Your birthday fell on Friday of last week and we had fun celebrating YOU! You have worked so hard to become the young boy you are today, and Daddy and I are really proud of you. You show courage daily to navigate a world that does not always come easy for you, and do it with admirable perseverance while sporting your signature smile. You're not always happy go lucky, but lately, you've been doing a great job listening, respecting us, and having a great attitude. You adore your siblings, as they do you, and are happiest when our whole family is together.

At 7 your favorite things to do include watch movies, go to the park, pretend play with your siblings, swing in the backyard, go swimming, wrestle with Daddy, build with blocks, help us with whatever we may be doing, and see your school friends. You are open to lots of new adventures, and keep up with our family fun right alongside the rest of us.

On your birthday, you opened your birthday presents in the morning before Daddy left for work. Like your sister, you were happy to share the present opening experience with your siblings, and allowed them to open some too.

We met Daddy at Chik-Fil-A for your birthday lunch where you and your siblings were able to have fun running around in the play place.

Your birthday evening we headed to karate. We've been doing lots of fun things this summer, but one of your newest activities is karate. You are going twice a week and so far doing great. The martial arts center has been very welcoming to you and our family and you are succeeding in a typical class. The best part is that your best buddy from school, Jasper, is in the class also. You were presented with your first belt, your white belt, on your birthday!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy. We love you to the ends of the earth and feel honored to be your parents. You are a joy.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sydney turns 5!

Dear Sweet Sydney Belle,

Last week we celebrated your 5th birthday! As I'm sure I've said every year, and will probably continue to say, I cannot believe that you are growing up so fast. These past 5 years have flown by, and although I am sad to think all of the moments with you as a baby, toddler, and preschooler are now passed, I am excited to experience life with you as a 5-year-old and beyond.

 Daddy and I are proud of the young girl you are becoming. You are kind, compassionate, inquisitive, smart, loving, creative, and so much more. You have matured more than I could have anticipated from age 4 to age 5. Just a year ago you would still often get sad and sometimes cry when we dropped you off at school. You were shy with peers and more of an observer at group activities. Now you are all smiles, confident, and friendly with everyone.

 What hasn't changed is your amazing relationship with your brothers and how fabulous you are with them. In the picture above you are entertaining them with a sticker book while I was running around getting us ready for a busy day. You do this type of thing all the time, typically unprompted, and truly enjoy it. They adore you.

 The morning of your birthday, Myles and I were at the grocery store by 5:30 (thanks to your early bird brother), to get you a special birthday doughnut, balloon, and your own package of mints (your favorite!). Daddy and I had wrapped your presents the night before and put up the birthday decorations. You were excited for all of it when you woke up and eager to share your day with us.

Your presents were wrapped in two types of paper, pink with white polka dots, and white with multi-colored polka dots. After seeing them, you said to me, "I think the pink ones are for me, and the white ones are for the boys." I told you they were all for you, and kind of expected you to cheer a bit, but instead, you said, "Well, can they help me open them?" I of course said that would be fine, and you decided that you would open the pink ones and they would open the white ones. Daddy heard our conversation and commented to you how that was nice sharing. You replied, "They're my brothers." As if you couldn't imagine not having them help you. This is just one example of your heart - so pure, loving, and generous.

**A cute story about your presents and the morning of your birthday - After I had been at the store with Myles, and before you woke up, I went for a run (it was a busy morning!). Ryker woke up while I was gone, and must have heard the garage open, because as soon as I walked through the door he was standing there and quickly confessed, "I only opened the present a wittle bit." He said it so fast and held his thumb and pointer finger close together when demonstrating "wittle." And indeed, he had opened one of your presents...but just a wittle.**

I had to work on your birthday, so you spent it with Daddy and the boys. You and Myles had swimming lessons, went to do some work stuff with Daddy and played at home before we went out for pizza (your choice) with our family and Grandma (Grandpa had to work). We came home for presents and ice cream sundaes.

It was a fun day celebrating your precious life. We love you!