Thursday, August 22, 2013

I must've blinked.

This boy...

the one who made me a mama.

who taught me how to love unconditionally. realigned my values. gave me the gift of perspective. strengthened my faith. helped me define success. led me to a new world, full of exceptional people.

the one I never imagined I wanted.
never knew I needed.

He started kindergarten this week and it feels like a big deal.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Sydney Snippet

After Sunday School this past weekend:

Me: Sydney, did you talk to any of the other kids in class?
Syd: No, I just talked to the teacher.
Me: You need to talk to the other kids so you can make friends.
Syd: But I don't want to.
Me: Well, what did you talk to the teacher about?
Syd: How much fun the other kids were having.

This girl. She is one of a kind.


Soon, soon, soon I am going to update this blog! There are LOTS of things from this summer I want to document to remember. Any day now I'm going to have some free time. Ha!