Thursday, December 24, 2015

Gilbert Family Christmas E-Letter 2015

Merry Christmas from us to you! If you're visiting our blog for the first time after getting our Christmas card, welcome! This is where I document our family happenings to keep far away family up to date, and as a scrapbook for us for years to come.

2015 was good to us, at least as far as I can remember. My mommy-brain is a bit overworked just taking care of our little brood, so sometimes it's difficult to remember what I did yesterday, let alone sum up a whole year. One can only burn the candle at both ends before things start to get a little mushy. But, my general feeling is that we have so much to be thankful for this past year. Here's a quick update as to what our crew is up to now.

Myles is 7-years-old and in 1st grade. He continues to enjoy school and is well liked by his peers. We are blessed to be part of a very inclusive school that values all students regardless of differing abilities, and we have seen him thrive in this environment. The biggest change in Myles over the past year is his overall maturity. He continues to make developmental and academic progress in all areas, and although it can feel slow, he is already doing things now that several years ago I was afraid to let myself hope for. We continue to have high expectations of Myles and know he will have a bright future. Myles' main activity right now is karate, which he goes to twice a week. He is in "black belt training," which means we've committed to the program for the next few years and his instructors have committed to working with him to eventually get his black belt. Karate has been beneficial to Myles in a lot of ways; helping with his confidence, self discipline, and maturity - plus he has lots of fun! Myles has good buddies in school, but is still happiest being with his whole family, and adores his siblings.

Sydney is 5-years-old and in Kindergarten at the same school Myles attends. She is loving her first year of elementary school, and doing wonderfully. She is well liked by her peers and has also made some good friends. Sydney recently finished her fall soccer season and is eager to start gymnastics again. Sydney is cheerful, tenderhearted, compassionate, gentle, and a natural leader (albeit quietly) and teacher. She is so amazing with her brothers that sometimes I feel like we are tag-teaming this mom thing (don't worry, we're not). We are very conscious of what we ask of Sydney as to not give her too much responsibility. Because she is very mature and a natural helper, it's sometimes hard to remember she is only five. I admit I am unabashedly bragging on Sydney, but I am so proud of the girl she is becoming. Although I will always look fondly on the baby/toddler years, I am enjoying her as she begins to see the world from a broader perspective. Shortly after Thanksgiving this year, I was standing in the kitchen with the pantry doors open. She said, "Mom, we have so much food. Why don't we just take some of our food, and give it to people who don't have food," which then led to a good discussion about giving, generosity, and how we can help others in need. I think that comments like this speak to the character she is developing and the condition of her heart (or maybe also to the fact that her mom is a social worker and often talking about social issues). It feels like we've entered a new arena of parenting - really helping build and guide another person's character and worldview - and so far I love watching the person she is growing into.

Ryker is 3-years-old and in preschool. Ryker is our goofy kid. He's always looking for a laugh, and once he's figured out how to get it, he will keep performing until the joke is dead. Ryker is generally a happy kid with a lot of interests. He is strongly influenced by his siblings, who again, he adores. Thanks to Sydney, Ryker is in a perpetual game of "family," and because of this, I have gone full days being referred to as "Grandma," (I'm always the grandma!). Ryker is still a snuggler and will always be my baby, but behaviorally, he's going through what I like to refer to as a "rough patch." It's hard to navigate the world at three. His highs are high and his lows are low. He pushes his limits with us daily, but to his credit, will often listen when he realizes he's not getting his way. A couple of weeks ago, he was eating part of a candy cane after lunch. I went upstairs to do something, and when I came back down he asked me for a different treat. I said no being that he'd just had a candy cane. He replied by saying that he didn't like the candy cane, so he had thrown it away, and wanted something different. I just casually mentioned that I was going to check the trash to make sure his candy cane was in there, and he started begging me not to. It was the first time I had caught him in a fib to try and get his way. Thankfully kids change quickly at this age because right now he's our little challenge! Even with that, Ryker brings so much joy and entertainment to our family, and I am very much looking forward to seeing how he grows in these next few years.

Not surprisingly, Gilby's and my lives mostly revolve around our kids. Gilby is in his fourth year as Family Program Coordinator at Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association, and I have been with Children's Hospital Colorado as a part time social worker in the Sie Center for Down Syndrome for six and a half years now. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this past October, and Gilby's 40th birthday earlier this month. We bought ski passes this season for the first time since having kids, and although we haven't been up yet, we are looking forward to getting back to, and sharing with our kids, some of our passions now that they are *slightly* older.

We are grateful for amazing friends and family, good health, lots of happiness, our faith, and a gracious and sovereign God that can bring peace even amidst unknown times. Words that have been resonating with me this Christmas season -

Hark! The Herald Angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King..."
...Now He lays His Glory by,
Born that man no more may die.
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth. 

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Gilberts

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Fun

Being that it is the most magical time of the year, we have been trying to do some extra special holiday things to enjoy this season as a family and create traditions and memories for our kids. This year has been a bit different because of how busy we were through much of November and December. I know it's cliche to say "we're so busy," especially during the holiday season, but seriously, we were so busy. In order to capitalize on an extra benefit that Myles was recently approved for related to his needs, I had to take a class for 4 weeks that ran from 5-10PM almost every weeknight. This, in addition to Gilby's and my regular work schedule, stretched us a bit thin this holiday season, but the good news is that it's over and we're back to just our regular state of busyness!

Christmas has always been my most favorite time of year, but watching it as a mom through my kids' eyes is even better. I want for them to have great memories of the Christmas season, which is why we sometimes run ourselves ragged to make it special for them. It's all worth it in the end, and we haven't lost sight of the crux of what makes Christmas so special. We've been having frequent conversations about Jesus' birth and what it means for our lives. Tonight, Sydney informed me that Christmas Eve is the day Jesus was born and Christmas Day is when he had his birthday party. Something like that...

We kicked off the Christmas season by going Downtown Littleton the evening after Thanksgiving to watch Santa come down Main Street and turn on the lights. It was freeeeezing out. Santa was supposed to arrive at 6:00, but didn't come until 6:45. It was a bust. I didn't take any pictures.

Moving on...the next weekend we picked out and decorated our Christmas tree. Myles and Sydney were able to sit on Santa's lap (Ryker wasn't very excited about that idea). Myles had been so eager to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. He walked in and immediately said, "Santa, Star Wars!" It was cute.

Ryker was really thorough at decorating the tree right at his eye level. He didn't move around much, but he covered that area like a boss!

The next weekend we went to the Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association's Holiday Party. Always a good time with brunch, music, Santa, and a chance to connect with our friends in the DS community.

The following week Myles had his 1st grade holiday concert. He did so great singing and dancing with his classmates. We were proud parents watching him with his buddies.

Gilby and I got a night out the following Saturday at a work party. It was a much needed night of connection, yummy food, drinks, and laughter. I am so lucky to have colleagues who are also great friends!

 The only photo I took - but it's with my friend Allison, whom I adore, so I had to include it.

One thing we have not lacked this holiday season is Christmas music! We often have it playing at home and the kids love to dance and sing. 

Here they were dancing to Bruce Springsteen's "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," which always reminds me of my childhood.

This past weekend we went to Blossoms of Light at Denver Botanic Gardens with my parents. Gilby was also there, but was with a group of adults with Down syndrome for a social outing and unfortunately we never caught up with them. It was a gorgeous evening at fifty degrees and we all enjoyed the many, many lights.

And just tonight, the eve of Christmas Eve, we may have started a new tradition. We had popcorn and fruit for dinner while watching a Christmas movie and wearing last year's Christmas jammies (which was Sydney's idea). The kids thought this was so special, but it honestly just started as my attempt to have an easy dinner without having to wrangle Ryker back to the table 50 times. It was a big hit for everyone, so I'm keeping that in mind for next year!

I love Christmas, but the actual day can be bittersweet because it means the end to another holiday season (and the beginning of the longest part of winter). The years are going by so quickly (more cliches, I know), and I know one day these kids won't be quite so innocent, and the season not quite the same. But, we're not there yet, so for now we will continue to make attempts to keep it magical, for the kids and us.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Gilby's 40th!

Yes, it's hard to believe, but we celebrated my young-at-heart husband's 40th birthday a few weeks ago! Of course 40 isn't that old, but it definitely felt like a milestone!

We started off the day at the Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association's Annual Holiday Party. At first I thought it would be a bummer that Gilby would have to work that morning, but it ended up being really good that he was occupied with work, and our busy morning helped me keep quiet about all the surprises I had planned for later in the day!

When Gilby got home from the party, I had a "Bacon, Bacon, Bacon Pizza" (that's actually the name of it and he loves bacon) ready for our family birthday celebration. The kids love birthdays and were pretty excited to celebrate Daddy.

The boys' gift is Ryker's footprint and Myles' hand print made into a superhero image to celebrate their superhero daddy. Sydney's gift is a picture of she and Gilby surrounded by things she had told me about Gilby.

About My Daddy: I love that he is my daddy. I love when he plays with me. I like when he swings with me. He makes me feel happy. Daddy treats other people good. I like when he brings us to the park. Daddy is funny when he says silly things. Daddy is smart because he goes to work. I want to go skiing with my daddy. Happy Birthday! I love you, Daddy. Love, Sydney 

After he had opened up all of his presents, I gave Gilby a card with a surprise message inside that said:

A birthday guest is on his way.
You need to go fetch him at DIA.
Pack your hand warmers and strap on your boots.
From there you're heading north to shoot.
Save some energy for beers, cheers, and humor.
An evening of fun has been least that's the rumor.

About 45 minutes later, Gilby was on his way to the airport to pick up his surprise guest. He had no idea it was this guy until he pulled up to passenger pickup.

Gilby's brother, Joe, graciously flew in from Iowa to spend the weekend celebrating Gilby's birthday with us. From the airport, I had arranged for them to go clay shooting, and after that they headed to Dry Dock, a local brewery, for a few beers. At this point, Gilby was under the impression that he was meeting up with our family later for his birthday dinner.

Meanwhile, I was working away at home getting ready for his surprise party that night! For the past month, I had been organizing the details to throw a surprise party for Gilby at a local restaurant. The hardest part was keeping it a secret from him. I pretty much tell Gilby everything (whether he's interested or not), so to have to filter what I was able to say was so hard! Somehow, I actually kept it a secret and he was truly surprised!

We had the party at Slattery's Irish Pub, and forty of our friends were able to come (for his fourtieth!). Everyone had a great time chatting, eating, drinking, and overall celebrating a fabulous guy.

The kids had fun celebrating Daddy with lots of friends. A challenge in planning the party was that I couldn't do any of it with the kids around, and couldn't mention anything to them until the day of the party! If I'm not working, I'm pretty much with my kids, so this left little time to get things done. One of my friends told me that when Gilby walked in and everyone else was yelling, "Surprise!" Ryker stood up on his chair and yelled, "DAD, PUT ON A HAT!" I guess he still didn't quite get it...

As always, my parents helped me a lot in putting the details together! Plus, they took the kids after the party for an overnight sleepover. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

I had fun making a few decorations and adding some special touches to his party. My dad built the stand-up frames with chicken wire where I was able to attach pictures of Gilby throughout his life (bottom left). I also printed a list of things that happened 40 years ago in 1975, and highlighted ten facts about Gilby in the "Did You Know?" frames (top right).

Did You Know?
  1. Gilby skipped his college graduation and instead took a road trip with peers to Wyoming and climbed Devil's Tower.
  2. Gilby submitted a video application for the reality show, "Survivor." He received one callback, but unfortunately never made it on the show. 
  3. Gilby and Jocelyn are both from Iowa but met in Colorado. They grew up 1.5 hours from each other, and Gilby attended college in Jocelyn's hometown while she was still in high school there. Gilby was a volunteer youth director at a church where some of Jocelyn's friends attended. They still have several mutual acquaintances from Iowa. Gilby traveled 800 miles from home to meet and fall in love with his neighbor. 
  4. After graduating high school, Gilby spent the next 11 months in India as an exchange student. He had never before been on a plane, but traveled for 35 hours across the world by himself. He still regards it as one of the best experiences of his life. 
  5. One of Gilby's friends would sometimes call him "MacGilby," comparing him to "MacGyver" because of his ability to figure things out. If you need it built, fixed, rigged, or programmed, he's your guy. He almost always has a multi tool, Sharpie, and Super Glue in his pocket. 
  6. Gilby's real name is actually Tim. Timothy Bryon Gilbert to be exact. In high school, his older brother was already known as "Gilbert" by the football coaches, so they starting calling Gilby, "Gilby," and it stuck. His family still calls him Tim (or Timmy if you're Grandma Steck), but otherwise he's been known as Gilby for the past 20+ years. 
  7. A few years ago, Gilby slept in a tent outside of a new Chik-Fil-A to be one of the first 100 customers. It snowed blizzard-like conditions all night long. He got 52 free Chik-Fil-A meals. 
  8. Gilby did not actually receive his college diploma until almost 6 years after finishing school. On principle, he had refused to write a 200 page paper, and finished with an incomplete in one of his last classes. When the professor retired, the university cleared out his outstanding records, and mailed Gilby a diploma, and a letter saying he had completed the current coursework requirements. 
  9. In college, Gilby decided he wanted to learn to play the guitar. With no previous musical experience, he taught himself how to play well enough to be in several worship bands, lead many campfire sing-a-longs, and teach several youth how to play. 
  10. Gilby is an excellent cook. He does the majority of cooking for his family, and has dreamed of opening a restaurant, or at least a food truck. 
After celebrating at Slattery's, a few of us went across the street to Comedy Works for a Tom Papa stand up show. A few belly laughs made for a great way to end the night.

The "Mancation" crew was all able to celebrate with us, which made Gilby so happy.


This man is truly the rock in our family and a great partner for me through life. I may be the one organizing all the details, keeping our busy calendar aligned, and making sure our bills are paid on time, but he sees the big picture, has an unshakable faith, keeps us calm, centered, and focused, and doesn't let me dwell too long, or take anything too seriously, especially ourselves.

 I love you, Gilby. Happy 40th.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

I didn't capture very many photos of our Thanksgiving celebration this year, but it was a good one. It was a snowy, cold day, so thankfully we didn't even have to leave the house. We started the morning off by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which the kids had never seen before and loved. The kiddos occupied themselves playing throughout the day while Gilby and I (mostly Gilby) prepared our meal. My parents joined us at our house for dinner, which was sooooo yummy! We have much to be thankful for, and it was great to slow down for the day and do so with family.

 Sydney preparing the place cards.
The boys bundled up and braved the cold weather to run off some steam.

Ready to eat!

First Grade Field Trip

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to accompany Myles and his fellow first graders on a school field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I am so proud of how much Myles has matured over the past couple of years. We walked around to different exhibits and watched a 3D Imax movie about the Galapagos Islands. Myles did awesome, and it was a lot of fun to hang out with him and his buddies. Here he is with his best school friend, Jasper, who is also a pretty great kiddo.

Sibling Support

Myles has needed a couple of iron infusions this fall/winter for chronically very low iron that hasn't resolved with less invasive measures. Here are Ryker and Sydney showing their support during his most recent infusion. These three have a special relationship that I pray only continues to grow.

A Servant's Heart

Gilby has always been a great neighbor, it's just who he is. But, we recently found out that Joe across the street has dementia, and his wife, Mary, is picking up the slack around the house. She's 90. So on a recent snowy morning, when I was getting antsy to leave early for work and face my snowy commute, I started wondering what was taking Gilby so long to shovel. I didn't even have to look to know what he was doing. He has such a servant's heart, which is an amazing example for our kids to learn from.

When we first moved into our home 2.5 years ago, we realized that most of our immediate neighbors were closer to our grandparents' ages than ours. This has lead to a lot of opportunities to help out, has been a great lesson for our kids, and has in turn gotten us homemade goodies and pizza from our appreciative neighbors. Plus, turns out that people in their 70s, 80s, and 90s are pretty darn quiet. Works for me!

First Snow

On November 11th this year, I woke up to Myles standing next to my bed saying, "No, no," over and over. I knew he wasn't actually saying "no," but couldn't quite figure out the word he was attempting. He was excitedly asking me to come downstairs, so I rolled out of bed and walked down with him where he brought me straight to the back door to see a few inches of snow had fallen overnight. "Snow," that's what he was saying (he's still working on his 's' sound at the beginning of words).

Ryker was up a few minutes later and they were both begging to go outside to play. I managed to get them to cuddle with me in bed a bit longer before I conceded to getting them ready to play.

It wasn't much longer before Sydney was up and all three were outside before 7:00AM. Happy kids.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Karate Graduation

Myles has been working really hard in karate and recently graduated from his white belt to his yellow striped belt. He is still loving karate and I'm so thankful we've found a niche for him.

This picture represents one of the many things karate has done for Myles - help him gain confidence in using his voice. When he first started karate, he hardly spoke up at all, but part of each class is saying the creeds, introducing yourself, and frequently saying "Sir," and other things. The instructors kept encouraging him to speak up, and although not all of his words are there yet, he is using his voice with confidence in each class.

Myles with Mr. Le, one of his instructors. It was Myles' request to pose in this kickboxing stance for the picture. We're thankful for Mr. Le and the other instructors who see so much potential in Myles.


Our Halloween festivities started a week early this year when we went to Streets of Southglenn with Grandma and Grandpa for Spooky Streets. The next week the kiddos had school parties, we went to Arapahoe High School's Trick-or-Treat Street event for Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association, and then headed out as a family for Trick-or-Treating Saturday night. The kids had a good time and it made for a fun filled week!