Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ryker turns 2!

Happy birthday, Ryker! Your first two years have flown by and you have been, and continue to be, such a joy to parent. There are so many things I enjoy about you that I'm not sure where to even start to describe what you are like as a new 2-year-old. First off, you are cute. Your face, smile, expressions, demeanor; I probably give you a hundred kisses a day and could just eat you up. You are also fun! You like to play, are still easygoing about most things, can entertain yourself, and attend to projects for a surprisingly long period of time. You love to be with your siblings, mimic most of what they do, and are always asking where they are.

At 2-years-old you love any and all kinds of trucks! You can identify many types, including dump trucks, semi trucks, pick up trucks, box trucks, tanker trucks, garbage trucks and more. You also love planes, trains, and buses! You still like balls, and can often be found kicking and throwing balls downstairs at our house with Myles. Out of our three kids, you are showing the most interest in sports and like to watch them on TV with Daddy. Football is of course a favorite right now. The other day when it was just you and I at home, you started downstairs and said, "I going downstairs to watch Broncos."

You are starting to rival your sister in how much you talk, and I love it! You use 5-6 word sentences and can carry on a simple back and forth conversation. You always use "please" and now "thank you" as well. If we don't immediately acknowledge you have said, "thank you," you will say, "Mom, I said thank you!" And then if I say "You're welcome," you'll counter, "No, say thank you!" You're putting all the pieces together, but get confused in all of your politeness. You'll often also say, "I got this," when you want to do something on your own, and "What that ones name?" when you see something and don't know what it is. Your speech has helped in managing your behavior so far as you can tell us when you're upset or need something, and I'm hoping the "terrible twos" aren't going to be so terrible!

Other things that make you you - You still love books, both being read to and looking at them on your own. You have your beloved bunny that you sleep with every night. You are doing well in preschool, play well with peers, and haven't yet given your teachers any trouble. You can count to ten (give or take a few numbers), and can sing the alphabet. You love, love, love fruit and are really a good eater overall, although you've become a bit pickier as you are nearing two. You are still a great sleeper with a thankful mommy for that. We typically read one book before nap and one before bed, lay you down with your bunny, blanket, and a couple of books, and don't hear anything out of you until after nap/in the morning. I'm hoping this continues!

We love you, Ryker, and wish you the happiest second birthday! I am so looking forward to watching you grow, and grateful to be your mom!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall Festival

Saturday morning we met my mom at a fall festival where we picked out pumpkins, had a pancake breakfast, jumped in the bouncy house, walked by the lake, played at the playground, and watched the hot air balloons. Fall fun for everyone!

 "See Dad, hot air balloon!"

Preschool Field Trip

Sydney had a successful first preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch last week. She later deemed it, "the best field trip ever!"

Iowa Weekend

Last weekend Ryker, Sydney, and I went with my parents to Iowa for a quick weekend trip. We left for the 12-hour drive first thing on Friday morning and arrived back home on Monday night. Daddy and Myles stayed home to man the fort (and go to work and school). Although quick, it was so much fun to spend time with family!

We were a little nervous how Myles would do when he realized we were leaving Friday morning. Whenever we had talked about the trip, he would say, "me, me" indicating that he wanted to be included. This is the type of thing that is hard to explain in a way Myles can understand. When he saw me packing up the bags on Friday, he grabbed about 10 pairs of socks and 4 pairs of underwear from his dresser, put them in his backpack and was set to go! In the end he actually did great giving us big hugs and kisses, saying goodbye and happily spending a fun weekend with Dad.

My dad did all of the driving and the kids were amazing in the car, making the 12 hours to Cedar Falls go really smoothly.

 Sweet Ryker sleeping with his beloved bunny, whom he appropriately calls "Bunny."

On Saturday we drove to Ames to celebrate Shaina's, my cousin's, wedding. It was a gorgeous fall day for a backyard wedding and reception that my Aunt Nancy did a fantastic job putting on. Again, the kids were really well behaved and had a lot of fun running around the backyard all afternoon.

I love the time my kids are getting to spend with their great grandparents!

On Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert drove to Cedar Falls to spend the day with us. We went out to eat, walked around Scheel's and played back at my grandparent's place. We had an early birthday celebration for Ryker so that he could open his gifts from Grandma and Grandpa. Sydney was of course more than happy to help him.

Monday morning we packed up to make the trek back to Colorado. I am so thankful for the time we were able to spend with family!

The best grandparents I could ask for!

A big owie.

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from Sydney's preschool saying she had fallen on the playground and cut her chin open pretty badly, and that they thought she might need stitches. Gilby went to get her and we assessed the cut at home. On my own I probably would have taken her in, but Gilby thought it was something he could handle (he has had First Responder training, you know). He got her all cleaned up and did a good job securing it with a couple butterfly bandaids. Two weeks later and it actually does look really good. I'm happy now to have bypassed that emergency room bill!

Sydney was so funny the day of the accident. She didn't cry at all at school or home, and she recounted everything that happened. "I was running and somebody started talking to me, so I turned by head and tripped over a bike. I started *bweeding* so my teacher took me to the office. I throwed up on the teacher and in the garbage and got some on my new Hello Kitty dress." And on and on she went. She was quite excited by the ordeal. I'm amazed that she, and not one of her brothers, was the first one to be *this close* to needing stitches. Chin scars run in our family, so now she fits in perfectly!

Finishing the night out with a movie and popcorn with Daddy.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Fun

Thanks to a partnership between Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association and the Community Sailing of Colorado, Gilby and Myles had the opportunity to go sailing today! It was a gorgeous fall day, warm and sunny, and although Myles can be challenging in these situations (new environment, unclear expectations, lack of impulse control, lots of room to run(away), etc), making it fairly difficult for the parent that accompanies him, I'm so glad they had this opportunity to try something new as father and son. Gilby said that despite some difficult behaviors, they both had a really good time.

Myles and Brandon, who runs the sailing club including their adaptive sailing division.


And while Gilby and Myles were sailing, I took the younger two to meet my mom at a craft fair and then The Littleton Historical Museum right next door. We saw chickens, cows, steers, rams, sheep, pigs, peacocks, turkeys, a mule, the blacksmith working in the shop, and more. Although we've been before, we saw more animals this time than ever, and the kids loved it! Ryker especially was so excited by each animal. A fun day followed by naps for all...

 Ryker picked a tomato from the farm's vegetable garden and proceeded to just eat it like an apple.

Sydney was so brave petting a lot of the animals, which is something I don't think she would have done a year ago. She's growing up...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Catching Up!

Whew, somehow the whole month of September got away from me without a single blog. I have good intentions, but after the kids go to bed I almost always feel like I’ve given everything I have to give for that day, and my intentions go by the wayside. But, catching up a bit with the following 8 new posts…

Step Up for Down Syndrome

This was our 7th time participating in the annual Step Up for Down Syndrome walk benefitting Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association. As always, the weather was gorgeous, the positive energy was buzzing, and the company was delightful. Gilby was busy working the event, but with the help of my parents and friends, it was enjoyable, easy, and relaxing this year. 4,000 people gathered to celebrate those living with Down syndrome stirs feelings in me that are hard to describe, but above all, I felt grateful, and Myles clearly felt special.

 The walk.

 Our good friends, the Murray's, who have faithfully supported the walk the past several years. They started when they had only one kid and now have three!

 The Gilbert and Murray kids, minus baby Grace, and only a peek of Haylie's head, oops.

 Myles, Will and Claire. Myles LOVES them.

Myles and Jessie on the walk.