Monday, January 21, 2013


To: Myles
From: Olivia 

One of the best things about transitioning Myles to a fully integrated classroom this year is all of the friends he has made. Many of his classmates adore him and he is pretty fond of them too. Parents will tell us that their kids talk about Myles every night, his classmates were so concerned about him when he broke his foot, and when he gets to school in the morning he is often met with a hug from a buddy. As a parent there is so much I want for my kids, but to love and be loved is high up on the list. My hope is that Myles has genuine friendships all along his path in life.

And on the subject of friends, Sydney is also starting to become interested in relationships with her peers. Whenever we are going somewhere where there will be kids her age, she says, "I want to show this to my friends." She's usually referring to a stuffed animal she brought along, her shoes, or another random object she's found. Funny thing is, majority of the time she won't even talk to any of the kids when we get where we're going, let alone strike up a friendship. She might rule the roost at home, but in public she's just as shy as Mommy was as a kid. It's a good thing she has her older brother to be her best friend right now.

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