As sweet as you are, it's not quite all kisses and cuddles. At three you have a lot of confidence to push back and test your limits. You are quick, and quite witty, and have a response for almost every request we make. Here are a few interactions that would be quite common with you - we won't even be finished talking before you come back with your response:
"Ryker, it's cold out, please put on a jacket."
"I like to be cold."
"Ryker, it's time to go potty so you don't get wet pants."
"I like to have wet pants."
"Ryker, please finish eating."
"I'm sick, Mom."
Or one from just this morning:
"I want breakfast, Mom."
"Okay, go potty and get dressed so we can go down for breakfast."
"I'm Captain America. Captain Americas don't go pee. Or poop."
And so it goes, All. Day. Long. You try your hand at some pretty big fits, but as our third child they don't get us quite as riled as they might have if you were the first, so thankfully they pass pretty quickly. Although we're not loving these moments of attitude (and sometimes whiny-ness), we know this is all typical three-year-old behavior as you figure out your place in our little family and this big world. Sometimes it's even hard to keep a straight face as you can be quite comical in the process.
You are an amazing little boy and it is a joy to be your parent. We love you, Ryker!
I had to get some photos with you and your bunny in case this is the last year he is this special to you. You appropriately, and simply, call him "Bunny." This bunny has been your comfort for the last two years and the only thing you ask for every night at bedtime. Your brother and sister know this so well they will sometimes go look for him even before you ask. Each night you turn him upside down and rub the little tag on his bottom between your fingers as you drift to sleep. It is so precious. He is a well loved bunny.
Ryker's Birth-DAY
Your birthday fell on a Friday this year, and I promise I tried to give you your first "friend party," but everyone already had plans. I'm realizing that I need to plan things way in advance for you since Halloween activities seem to get in the way. Our Plan B was an equally fun party with the family and Grandma and Grandpa. We stayed in, had a yummy meal, opened presents, and enjoyed your tasty Candy Corn cake made by Daddy per your request. You felt loved and celebrated, which is all we were going for anyway.
Birthday donuts!