Sunday, August 19, 2012

Road Trip to North Dakota

Last weekend we took a family road trip to visit Ben and Chelsa in their new-ish town of Williston, North Dakota. With the exception of Jay, who had to stay back in California, the whole Schaefer side made the 12+ hour drive from Denver. Siri, Raum, Danny, and Nel all came to Denver a few days prior. We went up to North Dakota on a Friday and came back home on a Monday, making for a fast trip. This somewhat last minute road trip could have been rough with a 1, 2, and 4-year-old in the car for so long, but the kids did amazing and it was really fun and so totally worth it! With Danny and Nel moving to Jordan in a few weeks, this was our last chance to get everyone together for awhile, and many of us had not met our newest nephew, Brodie, who is already 4 months old and super sweet. As we grow older, live in different places, and expand our own families, these get togethers are more complicated to make happen, which makes me appreciate them so much more. We didn't do anything special over the two days other than reconnect, watch the cousins play nonstop, and enjoy each others company (with a Nerts game or two included!). I love my family and cherish the time we had together.
Sydney loved her baby cousin, Brodie, maybe a little too much for his liking! He was so tolerant of her endless kisses and requests to hold him. She spent most of the drive there and home taking care of her two babies in the back seat. We would occasionally hear, "Baby poopy! Wipe please." So cute.  

Fun at the park.
Hanging out at the house. 
Myles still loves reading the bible.
Aubrey and Sydney painting in the bathtub.


  1. Such a great post! Love all the pics and love all the people in them!!

  2. Love this post!! It was a wonderful family time that I will always cherish!

  3. Grt.Granny H. What a busy and great time you all must have had. Wonderful to see everyone enjoying each other and the kids getting aquainted and interacting.

  4. I heard it was a great weekend!! and the pics show it!
