Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Family Visitors

Before and after our North Dakota road trip, Siri and Raum, and Danny and Nel spent some time in Denver. Danny and Nel are moving to Jordan in another week to do a 9-month-long internship under the guidance of long term missionaries. We're hoping to see them next summer, but should they decide to continue a longer term commitment overseas, our visits will sadly not be as frequent as I'm sure we would like them to be. Gilby and I are really proud of Danny and Nel and the commitment they have made, but my selfishness wants them to stay closer!

We were spoiled being able to see them for two weeks in Denver, and feel fortunate to have had that time. Sydney is still asking for Un-cle-Dan-ny (she says it so cute). She gets Nel and Siri's names mixed up all the time, and all babies we see now are "Baby Raum." Myles loved hanging out with his aunts, uncle, and cousin and likes to look at everyone's picture with us.

Their visit consisted of a few trips to the pool, family dinners, time at the park, a kid-less dinner out, the farmer's market (Sydney asked us this weekend when we went if Uncle Danny would be there again), an art festival, girls night out at the comedy club, and a Broncos preseason game for Gilby and Danny. We could have done nothing special and still had a fantastic time enjoying each other's company. Miss you guys!

Danny baptizing our dad, a very special moment.
Sydney was being a rascal, this is the best we could do!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School

I can't believe summer is over, and that Myles had his first day of preschool this week!!
He is going to the same school as last year, but in a different class setup. Last year he was in what our district calls a co-taught class. There were two general ed teachers and one special ed teacher in the classroom. Half of the kids had IEPs and half did not. In theory, it was really good in that he received more services (speech therapy, occupational therapy, special education) while still having several typical peers around him, but it ended up not being the best fit. He did not make as much progress as we had hoped and exhibited quite a few more skills outside of school than in the classroom, which was a red flag to us that something wasn't clicking.

So, at the end of last year we decided to enroll him in an integrated classroom for this fall. This was against the "official" recommendation of the school, although they have still been very supportive. There are 16 kids in his new class with two general ed teachers. He will still receive speech therapy, occupational therapy, and consultation from a special ed teacher, but not with the same intensity of last year. That's okay, sometimes less is more. We have never had Myles in as much therapy as most families I know, but it works for him, and we're really hoping that's our experience this year. His first couple of days have gone well...so far, so good!!
 Sydney so wishes she could go to school with Myles!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Road Trip to North Dakota

Last weekend we took a family road trip to visit Ben and Chelsa in their new-ish town of Williston, North Dakota. With the exception of Jay, who had to stay back in California, the whole Schaefer side made the 12+ hour drive from Denver. Siri, Raum, Danny, and Nel all came to Denver a few days prior. We went up to North Dakota on a Friday and came back home on a Monday, making for a fast trip. This somewhat last minute road trip could have been rough with a 1, 2, and 4-year-old in the car for so long, but the kids did amazing and it was really fun and so totally worth it! With Danny and Nel moving to Jordan in a few weeks, this was our last chance to get everyone together for awhile, and many of us had not met our newest nephew, Brodie, who is already 4 months old and super sweet. As we grow older, live in different places, and expand our own families, these get togethers are more complicated to make happen, which makes me appreciate them so much more. We didn't do anything special over the two days other than reconnect, watch the cousins play nonstop, and enjoy each others company (with a Nerts game or two included!). I love my family and cherish the time we had together.
Sydney loved her baby cousin, Brodie, maybe a little too much for his liking! He was so tolerant of her endless kisses and requests to hold him. She spent most of the drive there and home taking care of her two babies in the back seat. We would occasionally hear, "Baby poopy! Wipe please." So cute.  

Fun at the park.
Hanging out at the house. 
Myles still loves reading the bible.
Aubrey and Sydney painting in the bathtub.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cutest Baby on the Block

I'm already falling in love with this little face. Everything is looking great and our baby boy will be here before we know it!
Benefit to getting to know my ultrasound tech over the last 4 years? Complimentary 3D photos!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dream Night at Denver Zoo

Friday night we had the opportunity to go to Denver Zoo's annual Dream Night. The zoo invites a limited number of kids with special needs and their families for a special after hours visit. The intent of the night is to allow kids that might otherwise find the busyness of the zoo overwhelming, a chance to enjoy themselves without the crowds and hubbub each day typically brings. I thought they were going to simply open it up, but they had dinner and so many activities and special things planned! It was very impressive. The kids loved it even more than I thought they would and us adults had a great time too. Our good friends, Chad, Sarah, and sweet baby Nevaeh, were in town from Minneapolis, so it worked out perfectly for them to join us.

Each family that went was able to participate in an "Animal Encounter" and ours was the primates. Two of the zookeepers that work with the gorillas gave about 12 of us an up close encounter of snack time along with lots of fun facts and details about the troop of three. The kids got to hang out right next to the window to watch "Jim" eat his watermelon piece by piece. The zoo had also planned special exhibitions with several of the animals including a swimming time for the elephants and snack time for the otter (Myles' definite favorite), among many others. Myles pet a boa constrictor and both kids pet a giant tortoise.
The kids smothered Nevaeh with hugs and kisses, and she was such a good sport smiling from start to finish. Myles has always loved babies, so this was not at all a surprise, but it was reassuring to see how sweet Sydney was with her. Sydney's typically the youngest wherever we go...poor kiddo is in for a surprise come October when her baby brother arrives! I'm pretty sure she'll do great though.
Chad and Gilby have been friends since working together at Okoboji over a dozen years ago, but we had not seen he and Sarah for two years. It was great to catch up in person with their growing family.
 Overall, a fabulous night that our kids are still recounting. We can't wait to do it again!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

July Photo Dump

Fun photos from July that didn't make it elsewhere.

:: We're working on it...
:: Calling for the "duckies."
 :: The garbage truck is here!
 :: Playing together.

Swimming Lessons

Myles finished up his month of swimming lessons this week and it was a great experience! He learned some new skills, is now more comfortable going under the water, doing a back float (he doesn't like to be on his back in water) and kicking like crazy. This is all good stuff, but really just a bonus to what our original goal for this class was. We simply wanted to continue his exposure over the summer to organized activities with typical peers where he would have to be attentive, follow directions, and communicate with those around him without Mom or Dad right by his side. He did all of that and had a lot of fun too!
Swimming lessons were a bonus for Sydney as she often got to come along and swim with Mom or Dad. She loved it!
Kissing her knee after falling and getting an "owie."