Monday, September 24, 2012

Step Up for Down Syndrome

Yesterday we celebrated Myles and a lot of other important folks at the annual Step Up for Down Syndrome walk in City Park. With over 4,100 walkers and more than $280,000 raised for Mile High Down Syndrome Association, it was a very successful event. Gilby, his co-workers, and all of the volunteers did a great job bringing everything together. The weather was gorgeous and it was such a fun time with family and friends. As usual, Myles was constantly on the go and hard to pin down for many photos. Thankfully, we had extra hands to take turns on "Myles duty" so I didn't have to run around too much in my 35-week pregnant state.

Fall tends to be a tougher time for me in my ongoing processing of what it means to have a child with Down syndrome, which is a complicated part of this journey to explain unless you're living it. I think it has to do with the transition from lazy summer days where we can protect Myles a bit more, to school demands that make his delays glaringly obvious. For this reason, the walk comes at the perfect time for me. It's refreshing to celebrate with hundreds of other families who can relate to the unique challenges and unique joys we experience. This fall has been better than some, especially now that we have Myles settled into his schedule, doing well, our major education meetings behind us, and a supportive team around him.   

Thank you to all who donated and/or walked with us! We so appreciate your support!

Little sister is already very supportive of her big bro.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mommy and Me

Helping Mommy celebrate a birthday...a few rare photos of me with my kiddos.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The things she says.

Like most 2-year-olds, Sydney is such a little sponge, constantly soaking in knowledge and new skills. The most amazing thing to me is her language and ability to communicate with us. It's probably not much different than any other kid, but is a new experience for us, and we're loving it.

Tonight, while eating applesauce as a bedtime snack, she slurped her first bite, looked at me, and said, "Mmm, soupy." I have no idea where she would have heard the word "soupy," let alone know to use it to describe her applesauce. I don't think she's ever even eaten soup!

"A-minute." Lots of things that Sydney wants to do, she asks to do for "a-minute." Before going to her room at bedtime she wants to "sit-a-minute" (on the couch), before getting into bed she wants to "rock-a-minute," and the other day before getting into the car she asked if she could "walk-a-minute." I said sure, so she walked around the driveway in circles for a bit, she's pretty much a master procrastinator. I'm sure it won't be long before she tells me to "wait-a-minute," I know I've said it to her plenty of times!

If Sydney wants to say no to something with lots of emphasis, she'll say "no...nope...not."

She also now says "please," "thank you" and "bless you" unprompted. While I was driving the kids the other day, Myles sneezed and Sydney quickly said, "Bless you, Myles." It was so precious.  

A little while back Sydney was asking Gilby to help her change her baby's diaper. Several times she called out, "Daddy, help me, baby's diaper!" Gilby said he would help her after he finished whatever he was doing. Sydney was not okay with this and yelled, "GILBY, help me!"

And just tonight, as I was taking Sydney to bed Gilby said, "Night night, Sweet Pea. Love you." To which she responded, "Later!"

Oh, Sydney Belle. There are so many endearing things you say on a daily basis that give us a chuckle. I love watching you grow, Sweet Baby Girl.

Rub a Dub Dub

An attempt to spruce up the bedtime routine. Turns out painting your sibling is really fun and lasted way longer than Mom anticipated!
Love these two!