Welcome to the new Gilbert Family Blog! I’ve recently, with
Gilby’s help, been making our old blog into hardcover books, and it has made me
realize how thankful I am for the memories that are now documented for our
family to look back on. Last September I stopped blogging for no specific
reason, but more a combination of factors. I didn’t feel like I had a focus in
writing and my posts were becoming so sporadic. Our family also just got really
busy, and blogging was not a priority. But, I am going to attempt again, mostly
with the intention of documenting memories, but also to keep friends and family
updated on our lives.
So, to start, I thought I’d do an overall recap of the big
things that have happened over the last 9 months…
September 2011: The Dirty 30! Yep, I turned 30 last
September and celebrated this milestone at home with my precious family and a
fancy dinner out with my hubby.
The Step Up for Down Syndrome walk was also in September,
our 4th year already.
But, the big change last September was with Gilby’s job.
After 7 years as Youth Director at Calvary Church we felt that his time there
needed to come to a close. He phased out over the month while also furiously
job searching as we had made the decision without a new position for him to
move into. It was a big leap of faith, but Gilby has such a solid, confident
faith in the decisions he knows God is calling us to. Me? Not so much. I’m
better at worrying. Thankfully he is there to balance me, encourage me, and
remind me of the big picture. By the end of the month he had accepted a
position with Apple Retail, which was such a perfect fit for his skill set,
knowledge of all things Apple, and passion for working with people.
October 2011: We spent most of October adjusting to our new
schedule. Gilby worked a lot of evenings and every Saturday, and I often found
myself overwhelmed with the dinner/bath/bedtime routine with two rambunctious
little ones, neither of whom was sleeping well at the time. The kids started a couple afternoons a week at a new daycare
(our first time with out-of-home care) but otherwise we balanced our schedules
so that they were primarily with us. We also enjoyed a fun visit from Aunt Siri
and cousin Raum in October including a trip to the pumpkin patch and a few days
in the mountains.
November 2011: Other than spending weekends on house
projects and a quiet Thanksgiving with my parents, nothing very big happened in
December 2011: Christmas was even quieter than Thanksgiving
with it just being our family of four. We celebrated with my parents before
they left town, but Christmas Eve and Day it was just us. Gilby had to work on
Christmas Eve, but we still made it to church and had a nice dinner. Christmas
Day was relaxing with presents in the morning, a trip to the park to go
sledding in the gorgeous weather we had, Skyping with family, and a yummy meal.
Myles also had another sleep study in December (his fourth), which led us to
finally make the decision to have his tonsils and adenoids removed in the
January 2012: In January we made an unexpected trip to Iowa for Gilby's Grandpa Gilbert's funeral. He was a great man who was loved by many, as evidenced by the fact that all five of his children, their spouses, all 15 grandkids and spouses, and most of his 29 great-grandchildren made it to Fort Dodge, IA for his funeral. It was a nice celebration of his life and good to see so much family. We were lucky to also meet our newest niece at only a few days old. Myles was immediately smitten. At the end of the week, we spent a day in Cedar Falls visiting with the Haugen grandparents and Uncle Danny.
Later in January, Danny and Nel as well as Siri and Raum made a trip to Colorado. We had so much fun seeing everybody!
February 2012: On the 25th we found out I am pregnant with Baby
Gilbert #3!! We were admittedly a little shocked, but very excited!
March 2012: Gilby started a new job as Program Coordinator
for Mile High Down Syndrome Association! He had been approached by the Executive
Director several months earlier asking if he was interested in the new position
that was to start sometime after the New Year. We went back and forth with our
decision knowing that he was happy with what he was doing with Apple and that
there was potential for growth with such a large organization, but also knowing
he would enjoy the position with MHDSA and feel great working for an
organization we respect and with a population we are passionate about. MHDSA
could also offer a steadier schedule with few night and weekend commitments,
which would allow us so much more family time. We decided that MHDSA was a
better fit and Gilby is very much enjoying his position. This change came at
such a perfect time as I spent the first trimester of my pregnancy nauseous and
overwhelmingly fatigued almost all of the time. It was such a blessing to be
home together more often.
April 2012: Myles had surgery to remove his tonsils and
adenoids, and have ear tubes put in. The actual surgery went fine, but recovery
was a really, really tough 10 or so days. After two nights in the hospital, he
was discharged to home, but in so much pain for the next week. I stayed home
with him and it was one of the toughest weeks I have had as his mom, heart
surgery included. He teetered on the edge of dehydration for awhile, but we
didn’t have to return to the hospital. Now that he is a couple of months out
from surgery I can say we have seen positive changes in his sleep, his eating, and
even some in his speech. His recovery made such a lasting impression on Sydney
that she will often tell us that Myles’ throat hurts, her throat hurts, and
that they need ice packs for their necks. It’s cute.
In April we also put our house up for sale. We had spent
much of the winter and spring on house projects, finishing our kitchen remodel,
updating two bathrooms, painting lots, and tending to odds and ends. We’re
really happy with the results and get great feedback on the interior from
potential buyers, but unfortunately no offers as of yet. We are hoping to move
southeast of Denver to shorten our commutes and buy a house that will better
accommodate our growing family.
May 2012: In May we were able to get outside a lot more with some gorgeous spring weather. We, as a family, also had a lot of illnesses in May, but thankfully everyone is healthy now. Myles finished his school year and we're happy for the summer break!